Removing metals from the Body safely has been a concern of physicians for many years, and lead to the development of ACAM (The American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine) as Chelation not only removes bad metals but also takes out certain “good” metals and necessary nutrients. Safe Chelation should only be entrusted to physicians who have received special training, which leads us to the new Protocols being discussed herein.

Homeotoxicology is a specialized field of Combination Homeopathic that is the brainchild of Dr Hans Heinrich Reckeweg, M.D. Hemotoxicology serves as a “bridge” between Allopathic Medicine and Classical Homeopathy, as it uses combinations of Homeopathic remedy mixtures based upon allopathic diagnoses.

One of the Key parts of Homeotoxicology treatment protocols is the “detoxification” of the inner fluid compartments of the body, including intracellular fluids, the lymphatic, and the Interstitial space, known better as the “matrix” between cells, that is thought to be interconnected and continuous throughout the body (work of Pischinger). Also important is the cleansing of mucous membranes and the individual organs of excretion.

Heavy metals are clearly one of the major “homeotoxins” that despoil our entire biological systems, and there are Homeotoxicology remedies that we use to aid in the overall Chelation process. Our protocols presented at the end of the article.

We are still compiling data as this is an interim report, but the following early observations can be made, based upon 30 patients treated since the beginning of 2002, and testing using Doctors Data Urine Metal Tests:

  1. Both Mercury and Lead leave the body simultaneously.
  2. Nickel and Cadmium when present are excreted in higher amounts, and then Mercury comes later.
  3. As Lead levels decrease, Arsenic begins to be excreted. Mercury is usually the first to totally disappear.
  4. Just about every Arizona patient excretes small amounts of Uranium.
  5. After the tenth IV levels of metals seem to reach a maximum as compared to the first IV.
  6. All metals begin to taper by the Twentieth IV, but amounts of Lead, Arsenic, Nickel, and Cadmium are still present in the several patients that have done thirty IVs.
  7. When patients stop for any extended periods of time, resuming therapy seems to show that certain metals re-accumulate and are “there again.”

The Chelation process is based upon the use of a water-soluble molecule such as EDTA, which can essentially wrap itself around a heavy metal molecule that ISN’T water soluble and gets trapped inside the body because it cannot pass through the mucous membranes of the kidneys, liver, GI tract, lungs or skin.

The word “CHELE” is Latin for the claw of a crab, and the Chelation process is essentially as if a “Crab claw” wraps itself around a heavy metal molecule, and then gives it free passage out of the body (similar to an illegal alien sneaking across the border in the trunk of a car).

The body has need for approximately 70 friendly trace element heavy metals, but there are another 12 poisonous heavy metals, such as Lead, Mercury, Aluminium, Arsenic, Cadmium, Nickel, etc., that act as poisonous interference to the enzyme systems and metabolism of the body. No matter how many good health supplements or procedures one partakes in, heavy metal overload will be a detriment to the natural healing functions of the body.

Heavy metal overload in the walls of coronary arteries seems to decrease levels of Nitric Oxide a compound known as “Endothelial relaxing Factor,” and without this substance normal blood flow is impeded, increasing the risk of Vascular blockages.

Heavy Metal Overload in the Adrenal Glands reduce the production of Hormones, which cause early aging, stress, decreased sex drive and aggravation of menopausal Symptoms.

Heavy Metal Overload can lead to unresponsiveness of Diabetics to their medications.

Heavy Metal Overload can lead to Neurological Diseases such as Depression and loss of thinking power. It can also aggravate conditions such as Osteoporosis and Hypothyroidism.

Removing metals from the Body safely has been a concern of physicians for many years, and lead to the development of ACAM (The American Academy for the Advancement of Medicine) as Chelation not only removes bad metals but also takes out certain “good” metals and necessary nutrients. Safe Chelation should only be entrusted to physicians who have received special training, which leads us to the new Protocols being discussed herein.


Alternative medicine uses chelation therapy as non-standard treatment for some ailments, most notably heart and blood circulatory disease, as well as Autism. Currently there is a US national Institute Health Trial (TACT) being conducted on chelation therapy’s efficacy in treating heart disease.

The efficacy, safety and much of the theory behind the alternative practices of chelation therapy are disputed by medical community. The use of EDTA chelation therapy as treatment for coronary artery disease has not been shown to be effective and is not approved by United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA). There are many successful treatment stories of patients with arteriosclerosis and rare metal contaminations, who received EDTA treatment. You may Google those stories and go to Wikipedia for more information.

Chelation is like a general tune up of the body. Contrary to what the over-enthusiastic purports, chelation does not “cure” old age symptoms. However, it does help by giving the body a chance to rejuvenate.

To summarize, chelation therapy:

  • Removes toxic metals from the body, such as lead,
  • Chelates and remove s calcium from arteries,
  • Causes vasodilation,
  • Inhibits platelet aggregation and other coagulation pathways,
  • Improves circulation, and help improve collateral circulation,
  • Makes arteries more elastic,
  • Nourishes the cells with different vitamins and nutrients contained in the chelation solution,
  • Thins the blood to enable better circulation and reduces free radical damage with its antioxidant effect.

Chelation therapy is generally safer than surgery, less expensive, and more rational approach since it promotes the health of the entire circulatory system whereas surgery is limited to a small segment of the arterial system.

Calcium EDTA is a vast improvement over its predecessor form of EDTA, in that by containing Calcium in the molecule, it doesn’t extract calcium from the vein at its infusion site, which would otherwise cause a mild form of tetanic and create the “burning” sensation that most patients complain about when getting a Chelation infusion. This newer form of EDTA can therefore be infused much faster than the older molecule, and patients no longer must sit in a chair for 3 hours at a time. In fact, it can be given “straight” as a 1–2-minute IV push or with all of the normal Chelation “ingredients” over 30-60 minutes.

Our Protocols:

Before Chelation Infusion Therapy we perform a detailed Physical Exam including:

  1. Lab work either performed by primary care physician or by our clinic. Blood work include liver and kidney function tests, Lipid panel, electrolytes. Additional test may require upon given Health History such as exposure to toxic elements, Congestive heart failure, or diabetes mellitus.
  2. Electrocardiogram (ECG), Doppler Ultrasound study of Carotid arteries, Abdominal Aorta, and lower extremity-arteries. The major arteries are assessed for any signs of Hardening,Obstructions to normal blood flow which could relate to overburdened Cardio-Circulatory function. All previous tests or Cardiovascular treatments results such as echocardiogram, Angiography or Cardiac bypass graft (CABAG), Cardiac stress tests, Peripheral Vascular studies are evaluated.
  3. Based on your medical history, and Circulatory problems analysis and assessment, we make a treatment plan to smooth the approach.
  1. Weekly treatment for 4 weeks continued to no less than bimonthly for 2 months then continued by monthly treatment of half-hour to hour IVs, consisting of the following ingredients:
    1. Three Grams (10.0cc) of Calcium Disodium EDTA (300mg/ml) adjusted if Cockcroft-Gault Indicates lowered Kidney Function Creatinine Clearance below 80ml/min
    2. 100ml of Normal Saline
    3. 1.0cc vitamin B-6 (100mg/ml)
    4. 0.25cc vitamin B-1 (100mg/ml)
    5. 0.25cc vitamin B-Complex-100
    6. 1.0cc vitamin B-12 (1000mcg/ml)
    7. 2.0cc vitamin B-5 (250mg/ml)
    8. 3.0cc vitamin C (Beet-derived) (500mg/ml)
    9. 2.0cc Magnesium Chloride (200mg/ml)
    10. 2.5cc Potassium Chloride (2mEq/ml)
    11. 2500 units of Heparin
  2. Oral supplements taken at home include:
    1. Beyond Chelation Vitamin pack from Longevity Plus.
    2. Chelation mineral, one per day
    3. Monthly BUN/Creatinine level (Kidney function) test then every 3 monthly required.
    4. In continuation of Intravenous chelation, we offer CALCIUM EDTA capsules 1200 gram orally per day, in order keep the improved condition and I.V chelation results in balance.
    5. Phosphatidylcholine 420 mg capsule twice per day


    Depending on my assessment of your condition, you may be prescribed chelation treatments with PLAQUEX to help resolve circulatory issues. A few relevant points about PLAQUEX have been outlined below. As with any new treatment option, it is advisable to educate yourself further prior to starting treatments. A CD, DVD and handouts that contain detailed information, testimonials and a discussion on the PROS and CONS of PLAQUEX will be available at the front desk. PLAQUEX – Phosphatidyl choline

    • Plaquex is used in case of SOFT PLAQUES in the arteries.
    • Plaquex treatment is used to remove cholesterol deposition (soft plaques) in the arteries. It also decreases the damage to the walls of the arteries caused by lipid peroxidation (which gradually happens as we age) and thus helps to prevent further damage as well.
    • It may also improve the flexibility of aging blood vessels by improving elasticity, shape and function of the cells in the arterial walls.
    • By removing soft plaques and increasing flexibility of arteries, Plaquex improves the circulation to all organs of the body and thus, may help prevent heart attacks, angina, strokes, diabetic complications etc.
    • Plaquex treatment is a 90-minute intravenous infusion of Phosphatidyl choline in a bag of 5% Dextrose solution. You will typically require 20-30 sessions, depending on the severity of your condition. You may start seeing differences by about 10 sessions. The frequency of treatments is usually 1-2 times/week. After satisfactory progress is achieved, you may taper to a maintenance dose of once/month, to keep the circulation clear.

    We utilize our Intravenous chelation with combination of Phosphatidylcholine and EDTA in cases of coronary artery disease, peripheral vascular calcifications, and in the brain atherosclerosis of the brain arteries and stroke.